Lekkur vætugevandi sápa, sum fer væl við húðina. Hon angar av sitrón, greypfrukt, sedristræ og sitróngrasi. Skúmandi og kremut. 100% natúrligt tilfar.
Kokusolja (vistfrøðilig)
Lit: Gurkumaia
Pyntað við vistfrøðiligari sitrón og valmúufræi
Angi: Eteriskar oljur av leim, sitrón, sitróngrasi og sedristræ.
Framleitt av Bjarnastovu í Leynum.
Evnislýsing til fólk við ovurviðkvæmi: Citral, geraniol, linalool, citronellol, limonen og eugenol
MINST TIL: Heimagjørd sápa má liggja turt, t.d. í sápuskál við dreni, ella á einari sápumottu.
Eg geri vart við, at sápan í útsjónd kann víkja frá myndini. Allar sápur eru hondgjørdar og tí ongantíð líka.
You get some of the best, nourishing soaps when you use sheep tallow, and the tallow I use, comes from the grassfed sheep of the Faroe Islands. It's organicly farmed sheep, that lives outside all year round.
Tallow soaps are hard, longlasting and moisturizing. With a rich, creamy lather.
This soap conatins 100% natural ingredients.
Sheep tallow
Castor oil
Sunflower oil
Coconut oil
Canola oil
Poppyseeds for some exfoliation
Scented with Lime, Lemon, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus and Patchouli essential oils.
Dyed with Turmeric
REMEMBER! Don't let homemade soap sit in water, but let it drain and dry thoroughly between uses! This will prevent the soap from getting soggy, and will make it last longer.